A lot of times we got lost in the world of high priced foods.
Trying to get the best deal doesn’t almost mean the cheapest deal.

More nutritiously dense foods may cost more at the store, but we eat less.
So, we actually save more.

The healthier the food is, the less we get sick and have to go to the doctor or get medication.
So, we save money that way.

I am not meaning you have to buy organics if you can’t afford them.
But, many stores have a nutrition value listed by foods.
Check them out and find out what is a higher value.

A good trick for getting rid of pesticides on conventional produce is to soak it in a solution of two parts water and one part vinegar for 10 minutes.
Rinse off and dry.

Check out farmer’s markets.
Many times there are real bargains closer to closing time.
The vendors want to get rid of their produce and will usually mark it down, even if only a little bit.

It all adds up.